SP Date review

SP Date
Faster Than The Speed of Ordinary Dating
Anyone who understands basic math knows that dating is basically just a probability problem that can be boiled down to X number of dates equals Y number of mates! The more dates you go on, the more beds you find your way into, and that means what matters most is the speed of throughput from the keyboard to the moment you meet.
Spdate is so focused on speed the didn't have time to write the entire word speed out and instead abbreviated it down to just “SP” for your convenience. That may seem like a trivial decision, but doing it has kept the speed of dating at the forefront of everything they do and has become part of the ethos of their entire community.
Efficient Doesn't Mean Rude or Shortsighted
At SPDate you'll meet many people online looking to save time by actually reading each other's profiles before contacting one another. It's so much simpler and easier if you have a good idea of what the other person is seeking before you start speaking.
Plenty of free profile pictures, an easy to browser interface and lots of simple point and click tools save you time and allow you to sift through the enormous catalog of potential mates as you set up your next several dates.
Keep in mind, being polite is important, even if the person isn't a perfect match for you now, they may become one later or they may be able to turn you on to a friend of theirs who fits all your dating criteria beautifully. It's ok to want to dating with speed, and you can do it all with a positive mental attitude as well. Keep it PMA all the way.
Bottom Line
Girls who like long walks on the beach, aren't on SPDate. Nobody on SPdate wants a slow meandering anything. These are cute business execs and people with a full to-do list seeking out other go getters to have intimate moments with, while avoiding any of the things that slow the experience down. Plenty of no strings attached arrangements and marital affairs are launched on SPDate, where you are likely to find many mates and the hardest part of your journey will be deciding which guys or girls to turn down from a long list of worthwhile options.